How To Install Entry Matting

You will need to properly install an entrance mat if it is being used in a recess.

You won’t find a quick guide to setting up entrance mats or waterhog mats. If you don’t have the right tools, it’s easy to make a mess. Our installation service is used by many of our customers to ensure that their entrance mats are professionally installed.

Here are some things to look out for when install an entrance mat. These are guidelines to help you get started.

Make Sure The Mat Is Right For You

Although this sounds obvious, we have had instances when we didn’t do it and left behind a bare recess and no mat. Sometimes, it was impossible to find a replacement mat immediately, so customers often see an empty recess.

You have two options: measure with a measuring tape, or place the mat on top of the existing one to check. Make sure to check. The recess should be slightly bigger than your mat. You can always trim your mat, but you cannot add more.

Take Out The Mat

You can skip this step if this is the first mat you place in the space. However, we will likely have to take out the mat currently in your recess.

To remove corners, use a Stanley knife. Pull the corner up to remove the underside. Wear gloves as the carpet can cause friction burns and calluses. You’re welcome.

The material of the mat will determine how to dispose of it. Aluminum – although it is often cited as being environmentally friendly – can be difficult to recycle. Coir and other eco-friendly mats may be added to your compost pile as it fully biodegrades.

Smoothen The Recess

Once we have the old mat removed, you will find a lot more adhesive and remnants in the recess. Before we fill in the mat, we need to level it as best we can. To do this, we use a scraper.

To get the most from each scrape, use long straight scrapes. It is hard work, but it will get you to the next step.

The Recess Can Be Self-Leveled

Before you can move on to the next step, it is important to wait for the level time to be fully set. You might want to eat lunch while you wait for the level to set completely. Just pour the entire recess into the machine and it will level the entire floor.

The most important thing is to leave enough space for people to walk off of your mat.

Place The Mat In The Recess, And Then Trim It To Size

Once the level has been set properly, the mat can be fitted. You will need a Stanley knife to trim the mat to the right size. The mat should be able to fill the entire recess when it is laid flat on the group. It is easier to do this if your mat is slightly larger than your recess.

Use Adhesive To Get Started

The adhesive you use will determine the final step. Follow the instructions on your packet. Your new mat will be ready to use once the adhesive has dried. However, the length of time it takes depends on which adhesive you used.

After the adhesive has dried, you can lower your mat into the hole one last time. You can now press it down at each point, and then you can admire your work.